The Return of a Pirate

It had been a long time ago since Hawkeye Pike had left the shores of Sosoria and sailed off into the sunset. Today, 6 years later, the pirate found himself standing in the city of Vesper. Hawkeye Pike had returned to Britannia with naught but an old leather armor crafted by his brother Andrej Pike, a small buckler and an old kryss. In his backpack he carried a bedroll and some kindling. His pockets were as empty, as was his bank box. Hawkeye had given away all his belongings to fellow pirate crew mates and even some landlubbers, before leaving Britannia for good. Now, on the day of his unexpected return, a so-called veteran reward was offered to him, but he still was confused and would take care of this later.

The pirate lacked gold and - even more important - a ship. Now how should he get those? He would have to slay some monsters. While wandering through the woods near Vesper picking up reagents, he suddenly came across an Ogre. "Easy prey!" Hawkeye thought and lifted his kryss, ready to engage. Ogres were no match for him. He remembered that he could kill them with 3 or 4 hits without risking any damage. Pike had grandmastered his fencing, tactics, parrying and anatomy skills. The Ogre had noticed him and approached.

When Hawkeye Pike returned from a wandering healer and quickly looted his body, he was still petrified with horror. While running away from the Ogre, who was now down to 30% health, he felt confused and helpless. An Ogre had killed him! Him, Hawkeye Pike, terror of the seas, nightmare of all landlubbers! The pirate who once was known throughout Britannia for his deft fencing, his strength, stamina and dangerousness. Now he was forced to flee from a mediocre stinking fat Ogre. Humiliating! Having no bandages to heal made everything just worse. Fortunately he remembered a small farm near Yew where he could shear some sheep and produce enough wool to make cloth, which he could cut into bandages.
After a long walk, he finally arrived in Yew. It was raining. The farm was still there, and so were the sheep. At least for the time being.

Hawkeye also needed first-class armor badly. He was aware that his simple leather outfit, as nice as it did look, would not help him fighting dangerous creatures, but only make him the best dressed corpse in Britannia. He contacted his brother Andrej Pike, who was a skilled grandmaster in mining, blacksmithing, tailoring, lumberjacking, carpentry and alchemy. Andrej, who had stranded on Buccaneer's Den in Felucca, made the walk to the city of Minoc. There he carved some ore out of the Minoc mines and smelted it into nice iron ingots at a nearby forge. First, he had to produce the necessary tools. Smithy hammers, pick axes and tinkering tools. It was hard for him to remember how this was done. After the tools were finally made, he quickly forged two exceptional chainmail suits and a few krysses and shields for Hawkeye, which he hid in a small bag behind a tree, where Hawkeye could pick them up later. The armor had some strange numbers on it, and Andrej had no idea what they meant. He would figure out later...


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