The Fellowship of the Big Guys

There they stood, right in front of the New Haven bank! A fearsome Titan, a fat Ogre and an ugly Troll. But what were they doing here? Probably not checking their bank accounts.
These may have been the thoughts of many travelers and adventures passing by. Only those being experienced with the lore of magery and spellweaving may have guessed who was behind this scenery. McBykar, who now had magically taken the form of a Troll, secretly laughed about the bewilderment he caused.

McBykar left and returned a little later to the bank of New Haven with his new Orcish friend. As this guy was twice as high as the bank roof, people were even more confused. Many stopped and stared at this unorthodox scene.

When visiting the bank of Luna, McBykar and his Orcish friend caused even more confusion. People were quite surprised, some of them even trying to call the guards. But the assistance of the town guards was not necessary, as McBykar's companion was quite a peaceful fellow. At least, as long as McBykar did not allow him to go rampant.

Especially tamers were quite curious. Some of them obviously thought that there were new creatures in this world ready to be tamed, and they had missed something. However, they didn't anticipate that controlling such a creature had nothing to do with the taming skill whatsoever.

Even by the Britain bank people kept asking McBykar, where this creature could be found and tamed. That did not only proof lack of taming knowledge. It also showed that many adventurers did not know where Orc Brutes were living. To those, McBykar recommends to go on real adventures again and explore the more remote places of Britannia, instead of recalling only to Doom and back again.


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