The Great Kanos Ogresbane

McBykar was showing some of the dungeon locations to Coco, who had asked for assistance in New Haven. She was looking for a place to fight monsters and earn some gold. Just as they were standing by the entrance of the Painted Caves, a ghost came out of the dungeon. McBykar quickly resurrected the unlucky adventurer and restored his health. As luck would have it, Coco and McBykar just met the Great Kanos Ogresbane, a veteran of the Early Days of Britannia. Only now McBykar realized that both, Coco and Kanos, were member of the Gentle Rest Inn guild.
Kanos told them that he was about to leave the world of Sosoria, which was sad news indeed! McBykar did not know Kanos, but he had the feeling he was talking to a good and reliable fellow. Kanos Ogresbane invited them to his house, and they followed.

To make a long story short: In an act of generosity Kanos Ogresbane left his valuable armor to McBykar, and the house with all its content to Coco. Coco seemed to be rather new in Britannia, and the house with all its items in it would sure help her a lot. McBykar remembered how his friend Hawkeye Pike got his new house with the help of Troy, and how much it had helped having a base. McBykar himself considered the armor a kingly gift, as it was a valuable platemail mage armor of a quality you do not see every day.

When his Swamp Dragon and his house were transferred, Kanos called his friends to New Haven to say good-bye. Many friends from the GRI guild came. It was one of those moments you do not forget.

This was the last day of The Great Kanos Ogresbane in Sosoria. However, there was hope. McBykar and his companions had left and returned, too. And somehow McBykar knew Kanos one day would miss his friends and his adventures in Sosoria so much that he would consider to come back. Maybe he'd try a fresh start, like McBykar did few weeks ago...


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