Blackrock Detector Unveiled

As many miners and blackrock owners know, the blackrock substance has caused some trouble in the past. Miners had been supprised (and usually killed) by Blackrock Elementals, and more and more blackrock infected creatures had attacked travelers and adventurers. After initially losing funding from the Mage’s Council in Moonglow, progress on the "blackrock detection machine" resumed late last month with government intervention, and was finally nearing completion. Despite fears of the dangers involved in working with the still-mysterious substance, officials agreed on the necessity of knowing where it is. After the destruction of Haven, activity involving blackrock was watched carefully. The blackrock detector in Moonglow is to be used for controlling blackrock activity.

It was announced that the mage Kronos, Director of Alchemical Studies and the chief mage on the project, would demonstrate the now finished blackrock detector tonight. So Hawkeye Pike traveled to Moonglow to find a fountain-like structure and a cauldron with an oily liquid in it. Burning his lips on the liquid, he wondered if would get into trouble for carrying around some blackrock in his backpack.

As the time of the event came nearer, the area around the blackrock detector became more and more crowded. Hakweye's crew mate, Norrar Swordhand, had also shown up. Together they tried to avoid all the horsedung around the area and waited for things to happen.

Then finally Kronos the Mage showed up. He announced: "I postulate that every single piece of blackrock in the world will be made known unto us! Imagine it! Soon, we will be able to gather all of the blackrock we want and..."
After talking to his assistant Dexter, Kronos yelled "Bet Wis Ex!" and Dexter flipped the switch. A strange orb appeared on top of the fountain and a thrill ran through the crowd. Suddenly, waves of energy were emerging from the fountain, then the machine stopped working. Kronos was really surprise and he stammered "Well wait now! Come back tomorrow! It'll work tomorrow!"


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