Summerfest Footrace

A lot of players had gathered at the Catskills Fairground for the first event of this year's summerfest. Kasaven and Cernunnos had prepared a footrace through Britannia. Hawkeye Pike was excited, as he knew the roads and the landscape of Britannia very well, and he was fast on foot. He had left his armor behind, wearing only a shirt and light pants. The rules were simple: The route had been marked with red lanterns, which the participants were supposed to pass at a distance of less than 5 steps. Mounts and animal forms were not allowed.

Each participant received a torch, and this torch of honor had to be carried to the finish line. This was a huge crowd!

A lot of faces could be seen at the starting point in Trinsic:
Jonah S'fedrian [UP], Hawkeye Pike [UP], Eratai II [NML], Magius, CuTtEr, Arwen [TNK], Achilles [SnR], Dahlia [MgKA], Lord Vallend, Kami [SnR], Kodoz [PGoH], Cantkill Champ, Spert [DB4$], Lolna, Kudos [TNK], laddie [SnR], Lehre, Robert Pen Dragon [CYM], a cow, Wild [GRI], Abraham Lincoln, Elise Shin [Rose], Aphroditie [H-S], Rotep [PGoH], Saifa [FURY], Newbury [SnR], Imoen [D|R], Alfonz [MgKA], Jb [GRI], Pitr [GRI], Anne Nomilly [O*S], Michael Ozar [D|R], Lily Ann [MgKA], uss Baat'leb [GRI], Zalpum [D|R], Genghis [D|R], Yours Truly [D|R], spanky [CYM], Dolamite [D|R], Gannon [D|R*], Spert [DB4$], Woodchuck, MAVERICK, Lykor [D|R], Isabeau d'Anjou [SnR], Laura [D|R], Oreo Cookie [NmE], Vivacia [SnR], Mateaka [F*A], Ezraben [SnR], Turk [MKH], Capt Mahem [UET], Oriana [GRI], rose [F*A], Gwendolyn Swift [PGoH], Corvus Algalon [FURY], CrazY BabooN.
On the given signal, the table blocking the door was removed and the race began!

The large crowd ran through Trinsic towards the west gate.

From Trinsic, the runners had to follow the road to Britain. But after a while, the course was deviating from the road, turning west.

The red lanterns marked the track on the road from Skara Brae to Yew, and then turning right towards Vesper. Hawkeye Pike was now in leading position. He noticed the spectators along the track and the lass Tsukushi Makino from his crew cheering for him.

They passed the Desert of Compassion and the Crossroads of Britannia. At the crossroads the large building blocked Hawkeye's view, and he ran east towards Vesper. Then he noticed his mistake and got back on course, which threw him back on fifth place. In the swamp, Hawkeye managed to catch up.

Hawkeye Pike reached the finish line directly behind Kodoz. Two pirates were among the top five runners of Britannia! Abraham Lincoln was eliminated for taking shortcuts. CrazY BabooN got disqualified for using a mount.

At the ceremony, the top three runners were honored by Kasaven, Cernunnos and the cheering crowd.
First place: Spert [DB4$]
Second place: Eratai II [NML]
Third place: Kodoz [PGoH]
Followed by: Hawkeye Pike [UP], Jonah S'fedrian [UP].


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