Casca's True Colors

Just a few minutes after the first Summerfest event, Robert the highest ranking guardsman entered the stage. As we all had heard in the throne room on the day of Casca's betrayal, Robert believed that Casca was a corrupt puppet of the Shadow Lords. He explained in a small speach how he witnessed corruption and deceit, and that he did not want to serve Casca anymore. He ripped off his guardsman sash and explained that from now on he would fight only to protect the people and protect the land.

Then suddenly, Casca stepped out from behind the curtain, accusing Robert of treachery. Robert the Royal Guard was in a tight situation. But he stood up to Casca and predicted Casca's doom if he would continue on the path of corruption. "No power lies in the hearts of men in this day and age," Casca said. Then he was throwing down Robert with an evil spell and summoned a group of undead to distract the crowd. "In my reign, all things will end, all things will BURN," Casca shouted, while Robert was arrested. Then he dragged his former guardsman through a moongate and vanished. Casca and Robert had disappeared!

The people were shocked. Soon, a rumor spread that Casca had been seen at Lord Blackthorn's Castle. Some fighters went there immediately and found the front doors guarded by Shadow Fiends. Those really were some of the most dangerous creatures, as their damage increased the more people were in the vicinity. You only could defeat them with no other people, creatures or monsters around.

Casca appeared on top of the castle wall, and strange ghost-like Revenants could be seen all over the place. This was where Lord Casca showed his true colors. "I AM THE SHADOW LORDS!" he exclaimed, relishing the pain and death of his people.

More and more Revenants appeared around the castle. Casca had just revealed his connection to the Shadow Lords. So Robert had been right! Casca was corrupt and did not even shrink from more bloodshed among his people...


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