Deception and Greed

Mining in Felucca yields twice the ressources. Which is nice. But also more risky. However, as Felucca murderer activities have been reduced to a handful of hotspots, miners usually remain untroubled in their business. In certain mining areas, you can watch miners recalling in, mining at specific spots, and recalling out. They do not answer, they do not react, they behave like zombies without souls, like a puppet controlled by an evil power. When such a miner dies for whatever reason, you can see the ghost standing in the same spot for hours. Because ghosts cannot recall.

The cattle pen on North Jhelom Isle is a popular destination for all tamers, as we have heard before. It is very handy that new bulls keep appearing inside the pen whenever you tamed and killed one. Again, puppet-like tamers can be watched here very often. You will recognize them by their predictable behavior. Like walking on the same path in circles until another bull appears. Sometimes, if you tame all bulls there without releasing them again, or if you lead the bulls away because you like to have a herd, they keep walking in circles forever. When you're tired of watching those tamers and cast a gate (because that's your favorite method of traveling), it can happen that these puppets just follow you through the gate, ending up wherever you planned to go for an adventure.

Unfortunately, certain creatures are not too fond of tamers. When a tamer visits them in their lair, walking around in circles trying to tame bulls, they can react quite overzealous. The outcome for the tamer usually is... deadly. But who cares, since it was an evil puppet anyway?

The Treasures of Tokuno is basically an entertaining and fun event, which allows the citizens of Britannia to gather some artifacts and wealth. However, even some places in Tokuno are haunted by soulless puppets, which often (but not always) take the form of a tamed pet accompanied by a hidden tamer. Such pets can be easily recognized because they are in the same spot 24 hours a day, many days in a row. Like the Cu Sidhe named "EyeSee" down in the Fan Dancer Dojo. If you go there and ask if it would be alright if you'd join into the fight, you will get no answer. Because puppets without souls do not speak. When accidentally a Fan Dancer or Succubus has followed you into that room, the pet will die, because puppet tamers do not heal their pet. They simply rely on their pet knowing what to do when it's on its own. Which obviously it doesn't. In the Fan Dancer Dojo hellhound case, the tamer was even assisted by another puppet who did not answer, run or fight properly. In that case, both of them ended up dead. The ghosts stood by their corpses until they decayed, not even trying to get resurrected, although help was offered.

It is not surprising that once these puppets finally come to life after a few hours and find that all the artifacts in their backpack have decayed along with their corpse, they will not be happy about it. The most entertaining part is when you hear all the excuses they come up with. Like having fallen asleep. Or having gotten an important call. What a coincidence!
Often you may wish that some people would be banned from Britannia just for their poor choice of name...


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