Entering the Abyss

The day had finally come! A large volcano had appeared on the Isle of Fire in Britannia. One the sandy beach surrounding the volcano, an entrance leading down into a dark cave had been discovered. The entrance to the Underworld! This cave would lead into the depths of the volcano, and from there into the Stygian Abyss. Maybe the legends of a newly discovered Gargoyle land named Ter Mur were true?

When entering the cave, Sharkeye came across person named Garamon. When he asked him about the Stygian Abyss, he received a few clues where to start this quest. Obviously, it was not easy to gain access to this hidden area. To get there, he first needed to find a Tripartite Key, which consists of three separate keys that had to be combined.

Sharkeye followed the passage west and came to a pit full of Acid Slugs. He killed a few of them and found acid sacs on them, which he put into his pocket. He continued westward (fortunately the Slugs were not able to climb out of the pit to follow him) and reached a room where he noticed some strange vines covering the wall. He could not cut them with a blade, so he tried to corrode them off with the acid. It worked! A hidden door appeared. Sharkeye opened it and entered a secret passage leading into a small chamber. After looking around for a while, he noticed the switch on the wall, which lifted up the heavy globe and revealed the first key. The pirate quickly made a copy and left the chamber again.

He continued north until he reached a big hall full of undead monsters. He jumped in and hid, researching and checking the room carefully. After entering the northern one of the two teleporters in here, he was transported into an area with earthen floor. There he found another secret door which he opened in the same way as the first one. Another switch was flicked, the globe rose up and Sharkeye copied the second key.

When he left the secret chamber and headed east, he found another teleporter and jumped in. He appeared in another area of the Underworld, and followed the corridor until he reached a crumbled pathway. Thanks to his Teleporting spell, he was able to cross the broken stones and pillars, ignored the Water Elemental that was guarding them, and reached a large hall in the shape of an ankh. In the center of the ankh, he saw a red moongate that seemed to hang in a black sky full of stars. Carefully he set a foot into this void - and he could walk on it! He quickly passed and entered the moongate.

He found himself into a strange chamber where he was attacked by Shade of Tyball a strange black being. It was not too dangerous, and after it was killed, Sharkeye found a valuable robe and a yellow key on his corpse. He put both into his pocked and combined the keys. He now as granted access to the Stygian Abyss! After wandering through the Underworld for a while and killing a few Goblins, Sharkeye finally discovered huge spiral stairs in the center of the dungeon, leading down into the Stygian Abyss. He carefully descended...


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