Treasure Hunting Revisited

The piles of crafted maps on the floor by the Minoc bank proved: The treasure hunters were were back on Catskills. There was a simple reason for this: The method of treasure hunting had been overhauled. Since the locations of treasure were now completely random, many of the old treasure hunting rune libraries became useless and searching for a treasure required some geographical knowledge. Contrary to the old system where you just had to recall from the rune with the right number and start to dig. Also, the rewards for treasure hunting were much more interesting now.

When Sambal Dragor had studied the decrypted ingenuously drawn map thoroughly, he recognized the place: Valor Island was the destination! When the small group arrived, Sambal's mining skill came in handy and he quickly found the spot that was represented by a red pin in the map. When he pushed his pickaxe into the ground, he heard a metal "clang". Eureka! He continued digging while his friends readied their weapons and spells. When the chest finally surfaced, a horde of guardian monsters appeared along with them. Quickly the adventurers spread out and finished off the beasts one by one. Now they would be able to gain access to the crate. Sambal Dragor was able to prove his lockpicking skill. After a few attempts the lock yielded, but surprisingly a strange creature called Grubber appeared out of nowhere, grabbed a random item out of the chest and ran away. Fortunately Sambal's bow was ready and his arrows pinned the Grubber to the next tree. The item could now be retrieved again.

Another day Sambal Dragor decided to study a deviously drawn treasure map and dig out a treasure all by himself. The place was quickly found, since Sambal knew Britannia like his own pocket. He searched the surroundings and found the spot after a minute. When he pulled out the metal chest from the ground, again some guardians tried to end Sambal's life quickly. But Sambal had been prepared and ran to the boat he had anchored nearby.

One by one he eliminated Elder Gazer, Blood Elemental, Poison Elemental, Daemon and Lich Lord from the safe distance of his boat. It was a good thing that he had prepared several slayer weapons for this purpose. He went home satisfied, his backpack stuffed with 50,000 gold coins, some imbuing ingredients, a skeleton key and a bag full of loot he would unravel at a soulforge. This adventure had been entertaining and worth the while!


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