The Secrets of Fey Magic

The Counselor's Hall sure had changed since the last time. While before, it was a friendly comfortable place, it now looked dark, unpleasant and claustrophobic. Dead rotten plants hung from the walls, evil looking runes glowed on a black platform in the corner, hurting the eyes, the furniture looked as if they were soaked with blood, and even the beverages at the bar did look all but inviting. The bartender was gone, and the gaming tables had vanished. Sharkeye Pike neither did know the reason for this change, nor whether the place would ever be normal again...
What he knew was that Lady Lucretia Genovese had called the people of Britannia to aid the Royal Britannian Guard. The purpose was unknown. Obviously she needed an army to kill some evil creatures.

Before he followed the zealous fighters through the gate, Sharkeye Pike cast his usual protective spells. He had acquired an arcane focus of the sixth level by the Britain Bank only an hour ago, so he was well prepared. With the powers of spellweaving he cast Gift of Life, and he had the Attunement and Gift of Renewal spells ready, just in case. Then he entered the moongate.

The spellcasting pirate found himself near Bet-Lem Reg in Ilshenar. The home of the Pixies! Immediately a grop of Deamons and Balrons appeared, attacking the inturders. Sharkeye had expected something like that, quickly cast more protective spells onto him and grabbed the demon slayer spellbook he carried in his backpack. Then he jumped into the battle.

After several waves of Daemon attacks had been repulsed, suddenly a strangely colored Demonic Engineer appeared. The crowed immediately attacked and sicked their Dragon pets onto it. Then all of a sudden, the creature seemed to stomp onto the ground and fighters as well as pets died like flies. Sharkeye himself was harmed greatly, and he retreated. He renewed his protective spells and returned to the battle, casting Energy Bolts at the unfamiliar monster.

When the Demonic Engineer was finally defeated, the ground was covered with corpses. Sharkeye Pike had died himself, but thanks to Gift of Life he was able to resurrect and gather his belongings. He also helped a couple of warriors back to the living, because many had died.

Lucretia Genovese then lead the army towards the Spider Cave, where another Demonic Engineer allegedly would operate a barrier to disable the fey magic. Whatever that meant.

A long battle and one dead Demonic Engineer later, the barrier was discovered and disabled. Nobody really knew what the effect of this was, but a goal was achieved. But there was another task to be finished. So the group entered the Spider Cave and proceeded towards the Island Reg Volom.

This time, they were not only awaited by Daemons, but also by Ethereal Warriors, who especially attacked those with bad karma. The Demonic Engineer's special attack caused people and pets to die like flies, if they didn't keep a safety distance.

After a long fight, the Demonic Engineer was brought down and defeated. The place was a horrible sight. The sand was covered with the bodies of the fallen and with corpses of many pets. The last barrier was finally disabled, and the war was won.

A handful of lucky adventurers found a rare artifact on the corpse of a monster. While those weapons were certainly not suitable for fighting, they were a great heirloom to pass on to generations to come.


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