Hunting Pirates

Vallend's bright blue Gargish Galleon was heavily damaged. Hardly able to sail anymore the group drifted towards the closest shore. They had won the sea battle against the orc pirates, but it would cost them a lot of wood and cloth to repair their vessel. The cannons of the pirate ship had caused a lot of damage. When repairs were done, Sharkeye thought: There must be another way! Maybe navigate the boat in a way that it could not be hit by the cannons of the enemy?

No sooner said than done. It had taken him a while to gather lots of salpeter and craft cannonballs, charges, fuse cords and matches. Sharkeye launched his small vessel, the Kraken Hunter, from the dry dock and sailed to the Floating Emporium to check the pirate bounty board. After receiving a pirate bindin' pole that was mounted on the deck he set sails towards the seas between Jhelom and Amoeba Island, an area which was known to be frequented by pirate orc ships. He had a plan, and for this plan his bow cannon would suffice. He was just done charging, loading and fusing the cannon when he saw the sail of an orc ship. It required all his navigation skill to bring his boat into position. It was extra difficult since the enemy vessel constantly moved and turned. He had fired about 15 shots with his heavy cannon when the pirate ship stopped moving. It was scuttled. The orc crew was quickly defeated, and all that was left was the dread pirate captain.

Sharkeye Pike had to cast many spells before the pirate captain was so exhaused that he could be shackled and captured. The hold of the enemy ship contained a little ammunition, and Sharkeye also found boards and ingots in the cest on deck. Those would come in handy for repairing his cannon. The Kraken Hunter however was undamaged!

During his way back to the Sea Market the captured pirate tried to bargain and convince Sharkeye to release him. But he remained firm. He knew that the reward for turning in the pirate might be worth all the hassle...

When he returned to the Sea Market and delivered the pirate to Bigglesby, Sharkeye received a part of an orc ship plan and 10,000 gold as a reward. There were eight parts total; a long way to go! It seemed the most difficult thing would be to get enough salpeter for more ammunition. The crafting process ate through his salpeter supplies like a hungry wolf through a herd of sheep. Approximately 30 salpeter were needed for one shot with a heavy cannon. That made 450 salpeter for defeating a pirate ship. Since the salpeter price on the market was now 200 gold pieces, he'd have to spend a fortune of almost 100,000 gold pieces for capturing a pirate! Not to mention all the wood and cloth required to repair your ship if it should be damaged in battle.


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